Näin suodatamme hakutuloksia
Haluatko tietää, miten suodatamme hakutuloksia? Lue täältä lisää siitä, miten koulutukset listautuvat hakutuloksissa.
Näyttää 501-516 koulutusta 516 tuloksesta
Näin suodatamme hakutuloksia
Haluatko tietää, miten suodatamme hakutuloksia? Lue täältä lisää siitä, miten koulutukset listautuvat hakutuloksissa.
Kandidatprogrammet i samhällsvetenskaper: samhällsvetenskaper
Helsingin yliopisto
Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan (Soc&kom) är en fristående svenskspråkig enhet vid Helsingfors universitet. Kandidatprogrammet i samhällsvetenskaper vid Soc&kom är det...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Kandidatprogrammet i samhällsvetenskaper: socialt arbete
Helsingin yliopisto
Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan (Soc&kom) är en fristående svenskspråkig enhet vid Helsingfors universitet. Kandidatprogrammet i samhällsvetenskaper vid Soc&kom är det enda...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development, Bachelor of Arts (Education)
Itä-Suomen yliopisto
During their studies, students will be able to create working life skills and build their own working life networks. On the...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Mechanical Engineering | Double Degree, Bachelor and Master of Science in Technology
Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto
Modern mechanical engineering combines creative product development, design and modelling with efficient production that involves automation and robotisation. It takes...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Ortodoksinen teologia, teologi, teologian maisteri
Itä-Suomen yliopisto
Teologian maisterin tutkinto koostuu syventävistä opinnoista yhdessä pääaineeksi valitussa oppiaineessa, soveltavista opinnoista sekä vapaavalintaisista muista opinnoista. Jos opiskelija ei hakuvaiheessa...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Quantum Technology, Bachelor of Science (Technology), Master of Science (Technology)
Quantum technology is a multi-disciplinary field that crosses the traditional boundaries between nanophysics, computer science, and electrical engineering. During the...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Science and Engineering - Computing and Electrical Engineering
Tampereen yliopisto
The Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Engineering is a cross-disciplinary programme that gives you a solid grounding in several core...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Science and Engineering - Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Tampereen yliopisto
The Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Engineering is a cross-disciplinary programme that gives you a solid grounding in several core...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Social Sciences, Bachelor of Social Sciences
Itä-Suomen yliopisto
This programme is offered by the Department of Social Sciences at of the University of Eastern Finland. The Bachelor of...
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Socially Sustainable Societies | Bachelor and Master of Social Sciences
Tampereen yliopisto
After completing the Bachelor’s Programme in Socially Sustainable Societies graduates will have gained: competence to critically assess and compare different...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Software and Systems Engineering | Double Degree | Bachelor and Master of Science in Technology
Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto
Programming skills give you the tools to solve great societal challenges. Challenges can be related to, for example, digitalisation, reducing...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Solutions for Healthier Digital Cities | Summer School
EIT Digital Master School
The program is related to visual recognition techniques to manage natural resources, car-sharing solutions, use of public and private data...
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Sustainable Urban Development | Bachelor of Administrative Sciences and Master of Administrative Sciences (3 yrs + 2 yrs)
Tampereen yliopisto
After completing the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Urban Development graduates will: understand the various aspects of built environment, sustainable...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Sustainable Urban Development | Bachelor of Science (Technology) and Master of Science (Technology)
Tampereen yliopisto
After completing the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Urban Development graduates will: understand the various aspects of built environment, sustainable...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Sustainable Urban Development | Social Sciences, Bachelor of Social Sciences and Master of Social Sciences (3 yrs + 2 yrs)
Tampereen yliopisto
After completing the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Urban Development graduates will: understand the various aspects of built environment, sustainable...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Technology and Engineering Science | Bachelor and Master of Science in Technology
Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto
The Bachelor's Programme in Technology and Engineering Science enables you to become an expert in multidisciplinary fields of engineering. This...
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