Software and Systems Engineering | Double Degree | Bachelor and Master of Science in Technology
Programming skills give you the tools to solve great societal challenges.
Challenges can be related to, for example, digitalisation, reducing energy consumption, the research and development needs of the business world or guiding consumer behaviour towards sustainability. Societal or organisational problems may also be solved by introducing a new software service, product or system to provide assistance and information to the people around us.
Software engineering is for people who are interested in problem solving and want to make things faster, less costly and more efficient in the future. You will produce solutions that take into account the needs of both individuals and large companies.
The Bachelor's Programme in Software and Systems Engineering is a unique, international double degree programme developed in cooperation with the Hebei University of Technology (HEBUT) in China. Students admitted to the Bachelor's Programme in Software and Systems Engineering at LUT University will receive two degree certificates, from LUT and HEBUT, after they have fulfilled the degree requirements of both universities. You will complete the entire degree in Lahti, Finland.
Lähde: Opintopolku
Seuraavat toteutukset
Joint application at
Tutkinto / todistus
Bachelor of Science (Technology) and Master of Science (Technology)
Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto
LUT on vuonna 1969 perustettu tekniikan, talouden ja yhteiskuntatieteiden yliopisto. Puhdas energia, vesi ja ilma ovat elämän edellytyksiä, joihin LUT-yliopistossa etsitään ratkaisuja tekniikan, talouden ja yhteiskuntatieteiden osaamisella. Yliopisto auttaa yhteiskuntaa ja yrityksiä uudistumaan kestävästi. Kansainvälisessä tiedeyhteisössä on 8 000 jäsentä....