Näin suodatamme hakutuloksia
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Näyttää 61-73 koulutusta 73 tuloksesta
Näin suodatamme hakutuloksia
Haluatko tietää, miten suodatamme hakutuloksia? Lue täältä lisää siitä, miten koulutukset listautuvat hakutuloksissa.
M.Sc. Data Science
IU International University of Applied Sciences
Nykypäivän digitalisaation aikakautena datatieteellä on yhä tärkeämpi rooli mediamaailmassa ja yhteiskunnallisessa keskustelussamme. Jännittäviä käyttötapauksia, teknologisia innovaatioita tai kiistanalaisia keskusteluja, joita...
Itsenäiset maisteriohjelmat
Useita (2)
IU International University of Applied Sciences
MBA antaa sinulle kaikki johtamisominaisuudet- ja taidot, joita tarvitset kaikilla liiketoiminnan aloilla. Opiskeluissa paneudutaan monipuolisesti liiketoiminann osa-alueisiin, kuten johtajuuteen, talouteen...
Itsenäiset maisteriohjelmat
Useita (2)
Certificate (HE) in Film Production
dBs Berlin
This innovative, project-based, program is designed to give you a bedrock foundation in the fundamentals of contemporary filmmaking and visual...
Certificate (HE) in Screen Acting
dBs Berlin
This innovative, project-based course is designed to rapidly increase your experience and elevate your showreel as contemporary screen actor. Learn...
Certificate (HE) in Electronic Music Production & Performance
dBs Berlin
This innovative, project based program is the perfect platform to establish and grow your identity as a practicing electronic music...
Bachelor Degree in Film Production
dBs Berlin
This flagship Bachelor course is an innovative project-based program designed to explore, develop and refine your creative and practical skills...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Bachelor Degree in Screen Acting
dBs Berlin
This flagship Bachelor course is designed to eplore, develop and refine your creative and practical skills as a contemporary screen...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Certificate (HE) in Creative Music Production & Sound Engineering
dBs Berlin
This groundbreaking, project based, program is designed for music and audio creatives who wish to develop their own creative vision...
Certificate (HE) / Bachelor Degree in Technological Arts & Visual FX
dBs Berlin
This hands-on, collaborative Bachelor program is designed to provide the tools of the trade through project based learning. Become adept...
Bachelor Degree in Electronic Music Production & Performance
dBs Berlin
This flagship program is a progressive journey through the essentials of electronic music production and performance, with a continuous focus...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Bachelor Degree in Creative Audio Production and Sound Engineering (CAP)
dBs Berlin
This flagship Bachelor course is an innovative project-based program for music and creatives, designed to give you the foundations of...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat